Beat 95% of Your Competition without Costly Advertising!
Since the dawn of commerce every business, large and small, wants to attract new customers and hang on to their existing customers. And today, without doubt, the most powerful and low-cost method of doing this is having an effective internet web presence. But to successfully attract and grow a profitable customer base you have to be visible on the web with much more than just a business directory listing. You have to be there with a message and a great business proposition that draws in customers who are searching locally for your type of products and services. If that makes sense to you, here’s how you can beat 95% of your competition when it comes to visibility…without spending a dime on costly advertising!
Which Side of the Butter is your Bread On?
According to our friends at Yodle, only 48% of small businesses have a website. This means that 52% of small businesses are unable to compete for customers by providing them with a convenient internet interface. When you consider according to BIA/Kelsey, “Nearly All Consumers (97%) Now Use Online Media to Shop Locally,” I am sure the wheels are starting to turn. 97% of local customers are focusing their attention on the 48% of small businesses that have websites when they are getting ready to purchase goods and services. There is money to be made and customers to engage if you know how to focus their attention on you.
As the old advertising cliche goes, “But wait…there’s more!”
And in this case it couldn’t be more true, because having a great mobile-optimized web presence will have customers scratching at your windows to do business with you. Here’s why… The folks at Pew Research tell us that 56% of the adult population now uses a smartphone and 87% of them use it to access the internet. Doing the math, this means that roughly 145 million adults in the US, 18 years or older, are using their mobile devices to access online media to shop locally! 145 million ready, willing and able shoppers looking for a place to spend their money..hardly small potatoes.
So why bother with mobile optimization?
Without mobile optimization, what people see on their smartphone is usually a tiny, miniaturization of your whole website that is largely illegible. This is because your website was built to be viewed on a computer screen not the tiny screen of a smartphone. To read something, they have to greatly enlarge their view, which generally constrains them to only being able to see a little section of your website at a time. If everything they need to see isn’t in the same enlarged frame, they have to repeatedly scan around the site trying to find what they want. Most people, unless they are real “troopers” just give up on that because frankly it’s a pain. Mobile optimization re-formats the information on your website to fit the little screen of the typical smartphone. This makes navigating your website on a mobile device a great deal easier. And let’s face it…people like easy and if you make it easy for them to like you…they will!
Are you ready to be found on the internet by these ravenous shoppers?
If you are, you are among the elite 5% of small businesses that are prepared to offer these shoppers what they are looking for: A Mobile-Optimized Website they can view on their Smartphones! Think about it: 145 million shoppers nationwide only able to focus on 5% of the small businesses that provide the products and services they want. The question is which group do you want to be in: The elite 5% who have websites optimized for viewing on smartphones and tablets or the 95% who haven’t yet caught up with how today’s shoppers actually shop for goods and services? The choice is simple and J2 Web Designs can make it happen for you!
J2 Web Designs makes your web site fully optimized for mobile users.
When a customer looks for you on the internet, whether from their laptop, tablet or smartphone, you are in the company of a very elite group of businesses who understand the strategic advantage of providing an exceptional customer experience. Don’t wait for a competitor to steal your advantage! Contact us now for a quote.